December 2010



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Dec. 19th, 2010



I've been meaning to post on this comm for the past week, but with the holidays and prepping for my husband's big day tomorrow (he's graduating with his Masters!), I haven't found the time. And I probably won't be finding the time until after the first of the year. :(

I'm going to be on hiatus from December 23rd to January 3rd, but when I get back, I'm going to be throwing all of my pups into the fray!

Happy Holidays, everyone! <3

- Leigh

Dec. 9th, 2010


Greetings and Salutations, oh mighty ones! This is GW, joining up with this intriguing game. I'm married and an ancient geek, who started RPing back before computer games were in existence. I love it, and have been doing it ever since.

I'm bringing in one Calvin Rankin, a bit AU-ed from his original Marvel Comics self. The original inspiration for X-Men character Rogue, and Heroes character Peter, he's a mutant who possesses the ability to mimic the powers, abilities, skills, and knowledge of anyone he's within 20 feet of. He's a bit of an ass, sometimes, but not a bad guy.


Anyway, I reckon I'm just here to have fun, play, and see what there is to see, so I'll catch ya in the game!

Dec. 6th, 2010


In the tall grass! A wild Nick appeared!

Hello everyone! My name is Nick and I'm bringing three characters into the game. I'm a n00b when it comes to panfan games so hopefully you'll understand if I don't know all the protocols or whatnot.

Now on to the characters!

Dexter Morgan/Dexter: He can be found on this journal here. For those of you who don't watch the show, Dexter is a nifty character in that he is a serial killer who only kills other serial killers. He has a high moral code that was taught to him from an early age by his father. His father, a police officer with Miami Metro recognized the markers and taught Dexter to stave off his urges and to put them to good use. He feels relatively nothing save for a few instances and has to fake his way through a lot of emotion. Of course, no one will realize this and to them he'll just seem like a nice guy, albeit a little naive.

Harry Dresden/The Dresden Files: He can be found over at [info]starsandstones. Harry is from the book series the Dresden files. He is a wizard for hire who specializes in lost items found and basic detective cases. He is a licensed PI and made his living as the only Wizard for hire in the country. Now he's here in New York and trying to figure out what the heck went wrong. He's a decent sort of man who is a sucker for the ladies. He has an old school way of thinking so he'll hold doors out, offer woman his coat, let them trick him into walking into death traps. He hates bullies and will kick the ever living crap out of someone who bullies others or generally makes a living hurting others.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze/Assassin's Creed 2: He can be found over at [info]eaglevision. Ezio is the son of a banker from Firenze during the time of the Italian Renaissance. He grew up to the ripe old age of 17 when he witnessed the execution of nearly his whole family. He managed to escape with his life along with his sister and mother. For the next several years he sought revenge on those that betrayed his family. Ezio is an Assassin. They work in the darkness to serve the light. He kills for the greater good. Ezio is very flirtatious and sort of a playboy. He knows Italian of course, French and now English (though he is still working on that one.) He should prove very amusing to watch adapt to technology in this day and age. Don't be surprised to see him running along roof tops.

That's it for me! Let's play!

Dec. 5th, 2010


Hey everyone! My name's Rachel and I've got three to introduce, but first I will share a little about me.

This is my first panfandom game, so I'm really excited to try my hand at some unusual characters smooshed together in a single environment. Who knows who I'll end up picking next!

As for the people I have now there is:

James Bond (this journal): In my head, I'm picking Bond up after the events in the redone Casino Royale. I say that because you never know when we may get a Vesper! Anyways! He's on "vacation" by order of M, but will be doing work on the side and investigating Terrorist #50 and Bad Guy Trying To Take Over The World #7. It's all in a day's work for the suavest of secret agents. He can be anywhere I need him to be as he's always capable of holding both a gun and a martini.

Lara Croft/Tomb Raider ([info]inyourtombs): Lara Croft is one of the best known archaeologists and adventurers in the world. She's traveled the globe and has emerged with more than a few pieces of history thought to be myth. Adventuring is a sport to her and she only ever goes after artifacts for the fun of it. Her home, Croft Manor, has been destroyed, but luckily she has a backup plan. She's been in NYC for a bit with her collection and is currently playing socialite while searching for some excite. If anyone needs something found, has questions about history or mythology, or just generally wants to chat, she's the one to get a hold of!

Minako Arisato/Persona 3 ([info]inthedarkhour): Minako was the newly added female protagonist in the redone version of the video game Persona 3. She's a very optimistic young woman with a bit of a mysterious past. She's fought Shadows and has lost loved ones, but she has never let that destroy her. At 18, she'll be attending college in the city, and no one is any wiser that this chipper Japanese schoolgirl knows how to fling a nagatana or summon the spirit of Orpheus to fight along side her.

I hope that's not too confusing. I'll be working on putting up some mini-profiles for everyone soon so that everyone can get a feel for the characters and their personalities. Until then, anyone want to plot? My AIM is sinisteraglets or you can ping me here.

Dec. 4th, 2010


Modling here! Feel free to post up your characters arrival! It's up to you if you'd rather have your chaacter just arriving or aleady been there for a while!

Dec. 3rd, 2010


Hey guy! Game is open?